![]() 01/31/2017 at 00:08 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Well I guess Im not lucky. Got into another accident. Was told multiple times that airbag really did save my life.
Just keep in mind, your airbag needs room to inflate to save your life.
Adjust the seat back a little further, maybe loose the weight you want to lose, or maybe even deal with the feeling of not being comfortable. Cuz that airbag needs room to make sure you live to see another day.
This is my 3rd not at fault accident thats sent me to the hospital. Im currently sitting in the ICU, pending another neck/back surgery.
My left femur, my left arm and a few ribs got broke.
I was rear ended that pushed me into the intersection and hit on the driver side. Between the offduty cop that helped, a quick EMS response, and my airbag I’m alive.
I swear my next car is going to be a fucking tank. I think I should just buy an armored car.
Just take into account your airbag. Im glad I did.
I still need to find out the cops name. He left after I was put into the ambulance. My mom is trying to get the police report so I can find him and thank him for making sure I was fine.
I haven’t even got an idea of what I should do to thank him.
To answer common questions
- Yes I plan to sue and have my family friend whos a lawyer represent me, like he did in the last 2 lawsuits.
- I have zero idea how a Mercedes S Class fucked up.
- My next car will be a safety pick and I plan on watching its crash test video to see how it crumples before buying.
- I have got the offduty cops name. I asked a few nurses and doctors what I should do. Im paying for a vacation to wherever he wants in the US. He gave me my tomorrows, its the least I could do. The cost is irrelevant. My life is worth a million times more than a vacation.
- Im on some very strong drugs, in a hospital that has good food, and so far alot of beautiful nurses. Im in heaven on earth. Pretty women, good drugs and good food. My body may hurt but I still can use my eyes.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 00:11 |
Holy hell! Stop doing that!!
Glad you’re alive, hope your surgery goes well!
![]() 01/31/2017 at 00:14 |
I hit a tree @ 80kph. W/o the the air bag I be up the sky right now.
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First responders are the best kind of people.
Hope everything goes well and you’re back on your feet soon!
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I’m not sure the crash protection of armored cars is all that up to par.
Good luck with your recovery, mate.
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Glad you’re still with us, and hope that you heal quickly.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 00:19 |
Jeez, that’s terrifying. Glad to hear you made it out.
Airbags are a reason why I don’t eat or drink while driving if I can really avoid it. Having a cup of hot chocolate launched into my face sounds awful.
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I wish I could.
I havent been in an at fault accident in 10 years. 2 of the last 3 have been text and drive drivers. This one was some guy who was drunk.
I hope he rots in jail. I dont drink a sip of beer and drive. If im drinking Im staying the night and my friends know it. Even before I had a CDL.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 00:20 |
Holy shit, glad you’re okay.
Sounds like time for a Volvo
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Beef jerky, on the other hand, is 100% Airbag Safe!(tm)
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Holy crap. I hope you heal quickly. I know the next few months are going to drag on so let us know if you need anything.
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I’m not a vindictivive person, but you need to sue the shit out of his insurance. Then him.
Okay, I lied. I’m very vindictive.
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Im guilty of that. But my phone is normally bluetoothed to my radio.
I wont answer it unless its handfree.
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You have some pretty bad luck when it comes to crashes.
But you also have pretty damn good luck when it comes to surviving crashes.
Get well soon!
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I was thinking something like an MRAP, with the remote turret.
Have a sign on back that says, the turret has Tourrettes and shoots people accidentally
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You sure you don’t want this Lancia with a turret on a turret?
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I plan on it. Cuz he’ll learn financially about drinking and driving.
Hell his Mercedes was an S class. So nhe has some money. Cant own a newer S class for cheap.
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The hospital im at, Ive been in before sadly.
They have great food. Although I gotta have the nurse cut it all up so I can eat it with 1 hand.
Cant use my left, so at least I have my right which is my writing hand.
I should be fine, ive got a morphine drip, a neck brace, 2 casts, and my laptop.
Although Ive been using voice to text to reply since its eaiser than 1 handed typing.
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I’d recommend an older American car. Fill the doors with cement. Won’t affect the gas milage and side impacts will become a concern only to who hit you.
Feel better.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 00:35 |
What car/cars have you been in? Hope you feel better bud.
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A 15 ecoboost mustang, a 16 of the same, and now a 15 Infiniti Q70 (the sedan).
Those were my last 3 cars. My q70 is probably junk at this point.
I kinda want a Hellcat Charger or just a 392 Charger.
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I kinda like newer tech in cars. Plus all these crash tests the new ones have to pass, make me feel safe.
I know my next car, ill be looking at the crash test videos on it and making sure its a safety pick.
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I was thinking MRAP. It matches a few of the Jalopnik requirements.
Brown, wagon, diesel, not manual. Figured I cant go wrong there.
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You need a big, big Volvo or Mercedes. Safety first.
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Sounds like you’re coping well for now! I’m accident-prone (not in a car way, in an unskilled adrenaline sports lover way) and I get grouchy after a few weeks of not being able to do stuff. Just wanted to speak up now in case it starts to wear you down later (next week, next month, whatever). We’ll be here if you need a pick-me-up.
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Ive padded my savings alot from my suffering.
I need some of that S Class money to get me into a new tax bracket. Need to break that 150k and over bracket.
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Im on some good drugs. Its hard to be mad when your drugged up.
I never got into that stuff because of my injuries.
The worst part is ordering replacement plates, cuz I dont want bent up plates on a new car.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 01:52 |
Hell noes! In most potentially survivable crashes, it’s not the metal hitting you that kills you, it’s the Gs your poor squishy brain or fragile neck take while all the momentum is being dispersed
Crumple zones are your friend.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 01:59 |
A friend of mine got absolutely hammered in his Infiniti by someone running a red light (T-bone style). Car was annihilated! He had a bruise on his shoulder and a small laceration on his leg. I’m not a big fan of the styling, but those side impact airbags he had made a huge difference.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 03:18 |
so I take it the next car is gonna be a Volvo huh? all jokes aside get better soon
![]() 01/31/2017 at 05:31 |
Wow, glad you’re OK! Hope you heal quickly! :(
I often wonder about my airbag. I’m a bit shorter than average, but also have slightly shorter legs than average, so I feel I have to have the wheel closer than I should to comfortably reach the pedals...
![]() 01/31/2017 at 05:40 |
Sorry about the accident, I hope you have a speedy recovery. I watched a lot of the new Volvo XC90 crash tests and they are really impressive. Don’t know if that works with your budget or tastes though.
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Best wishes for a quick recovery. After reading other comments, I hope the drunk rots in the clink in perpetuity.
Also, excellent advice, regarding giving the airbag room to deploy.
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I know alot of car dealers, I could do it but Im not an SUV guy.
Its a beautiful SUV. Just prefer a car thats a little bit of luxury and a little bit of sporty. Prefer to not deal with German brands because I know that wormhole all too well.
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I was rear ended by an S Class Benz, hit in the side by a diesel.
The Benz pushed me into the intersection, the truck couldn’t do anything. I dont hold anything against the truck, its the Benz fault for it all.
Dick in the Benz claims his brakes fucked up. Newer Mercedes dont have those kinda problems unless it neglect by the owner.
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Sue his ass off. Please seek recommendations, though, from people you know and trust and do NOT hire someone from tv adverts or with a big yellow pages ad. Don’t mean to be insulting with this completely unsolicited advice, but you wouldn’t believe how many people actually do that and get stuck with a horrible lawyer or a factory law office where a lawyer doesn’t even really look at your case. By the way, not only am I a lawyer but I’ve been there.
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Car crashes are nothing to fuck around with. I rolled my suburban 5 times a few years back, and I’d be a dead man if not for my seatbelt. This is one of the main reasons I drive an S class. Lots of active safety features and a ridiculous amount of airbags, coupled with the fact that it’s built like a tank.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 08:59 |
How did he fuck that up ? If it was recent at all it should have stopped itself.
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Yeah lame story, even my relatively proletarian E stops itself. It’d be interesting to see his car tested and his story found to be false.
Hope your recovery is swift, at least you were in a somewhat substantial car, imagine if it had been a 91 Civic or something. Next car: RR Ghost (from the settlement) :)
![]() 01/31/2017 at 12:05 |
Maybe he didnt have that option. Some people buy the car just to show off but inside its plain AF.
I don’t know, but I will get every god damn dollar I deserve from Mercedes douche.
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I dont know.
Ive worked repo and now Im a car hauler. Some of the nice new cars Ive seen absolutely destroyed make me sad.
Maybe its like that Volvo video thats floating around. Something could have interfered with the sensors.
Im just happy Im alive.
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I’ll have a good family friend represent me. He did in my last 2 cases.
My last 2 suites have netted me over 100k in total judgments. For medical bills, and all the other stuff.
I try to be a good person but I refuse to be screwed out of money. I only want whats right and fair. If you hurt someone seriously, prepare to get the legal penis with no lube.
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Probably why my car buckled like a pop can. They cut me outta my car.
Yea, I love the way alot of the German cars look but I know from friends that they aint cheap to fix.
I just hate overly expensive repairs on things that shouldnt be that way. A friends A4 has an issue with its headlight bulb going out.
Between the bulb and ballast, he just deals with a headlight being out.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 12:44 |
Yes! For the accident in my picture, I was extremely punitive. I wouldn’t have been, but the guy’s insurance company tried to screw with me on both the PD and PI claim even though he clearly was completely at fault.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 13:43 |
Yeah, I have had any small shit go wrong but the suspension has fucked with my bank account lol. They’re expensive to maintain but a S550 from Carmax is a pretty safe bet.
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My first mustang I was getting fucked with by the other guys insurance. So I just talked to the family friend, had him deal with it. They kept fucking with him, so lawsuit.
The 2nd mustang, the church wanted to settle for ALOT less than my Mustang’s payoff. I tried to be nice, but they wanted to try to screw me. When you owe 30k on a car thats totalled and they want to offer 15K. Nope, I took it to court and got it all taken care of.
This one, Im just going straight to court with it. I’ve dealt with the headache before, and I feel it’s just easier to get the legal system involved and see what happens.
I want to see what my car looks like. I know it’s roof was cut open, but I’m curious to really see the extent of the damage.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 19:04 |
I know how carmax acquires their cars and how they treat fellow dealerships.
A carmax car buyer goes to the auction, basically throws Carmax money around, buys it for whatever, whether its a good deal or not at a wholesale price.
Then just put their “No haggle price” on the window. Fuck that. They pay car transporters nothing for getting their cars there, no bargaining on the car, dick other dealers out of a car because they want it, and pay nothing for cars that they buy from the public.
They’ll buy a car a regular sane dealer would buy for like 12k, they’ll pay 13,500 for it, and not give a single fuck.
I refuse to do any business with a place like that. All the dealers I haul cars for know, if Carmax is bidding just to walk away because they’ll just keep bidding until they lose money.
For what I do, Columbus OH to Cincinnati, I get about 90 a car. Carmax wants you to haul their cars for half that, then wait to pay you for 30 days. Pay me nothing, and wait 30 days to pay? Fuck that, all my customers generally pay on delivery, because it’s easier for them and me.
Their 45 bucks isn’t worth my time. My dealers gladly pay my pricing because they know they’ll have every car they bought that week in less than 72 hours. I may charge a little more than others, but you get your cars FAST.
That helps them get them mechanically checked, cleaned and prepped for sale before the next auction rolls around. Plus with the auction offers a 7 day guarantee, so if I get them there within 3 days, that gives them 4 to make sure it’s not junk. And they love that.
Most other transporters get the cars delivered in about 7 days, but it’s cheaper. So pay more get it fast, or pay less and wait longer. Plus I’m small, so all my dealers have my personal cell phone number. They can call to know when their cars are showing up, and if I say they’ll be there Thursday morning, I’ll be there before lunch.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 19:16 |
I didn’t realize Mustangs were involved in your other accidents. After my 66 got totaled, I bought a ‘14 Roush Stage 3. As far as insurance companies go, it is amazing how shortsighted they can be. They knew I was a lawyer and yet they fought with me over paying what I paid for my 66 at auction (and the agreed value that Haggerty agreed to pay). Because they pissed me off, they ended up paying 25% more than what I had paid 18 months earlier. After that, they then refused to cooperate on my medicals and ended up paying a ton more than I ever would have demanded had they just played fair. Anyway, I hope your recovery goes well!
![]() 01/31/2017 at 19:29 |
Yeah, a 15 Ecoboost and a 16 Ecoboost. Bought the 16 cuz I had a guard green with the saddle brown interior Ecoboost with the performance pack.
I still have the seats, door panels and all needed to flip a black interior to Saddle brown.
Lost both of them, then bought the Infiniti I had for cheap off a dealer of mine because it had a minor accident on it’s carfax and he didn’t know when he bought it. So I bought it for almost half of it’s MSRP and enjoyed it.
I get my surgery tomorrow and I can’t wait. More steel goes in my back.
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Or it could have been older than it looked, they tend to age well, and a lot of those who aren’t anoraks can’t tell a 5+ year old one from a new one. Especially if the front was smashed in due to driver idiocy, as the front clip is usually the easiest way to date the car.
Good luck with the Charger.
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Police report says it’s a 2012. So it’s fairly new.
The charger is just something I wouldn’t mind owning. I just have to see if it’s a pretty good car. It’s easy to fall in love when you drive one for 10-15 mins and kinda get on it to feel it’s power. It may be a different animal when you actually own one.
I may just import my JDM dream ride (JZX90 Mark II) and stick Camry badges on it to mess with people. Just gotta make my mind up and find a good safe tank that has 4 wheels.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 21:32 |
I think 2012 wouldn’t have the most advanced features, the closest thing would be distronic, and most didn’t have that, I think.
The Charger/Challenger/300 are definitely the best FCA cars sold here, if that counts for anything. Even the base 6 is competent enough.
With older cars, I’d worry about the lack of both passive and active safety, especially with your run of bad luck (sorry). Or maybe you just got it all over with, and it’ll be smooth cruising from here. The lack of side airbags and decent impact protection concerns me.
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My 01 Civic from back in the day had them, and my 08 Fit (beater) has them.
If I imported it would be a weekend toy car, not a DD, just limited miles. My uncle has a Challenger, it’s an older SRT with the 6.1. He’s got ALOT and i mean ALOT done to it. If I bought a Hellcat, he’d want to drive it to compare it to his modified Challenger.
I just can’t commit to a car that has too much power and not enough tire. A 392 would be fine. I’d probably go that nice Challenger Blue if I could, or maybe find a 392 Super Bee.
![]() 01/31/2017 at 22:37 |
Wow, that’s shitty. I’m never knew that about Carmax
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Yea they basically act like hacker in a video game. Just inflate the pricing because they have an unlimited amount of money since they’re national.
That’s their advantage though. It sucks for little guys who just honestly try to sell people a good car and take care of them. Most of my dealers are the kind of dealers who’d bend over backwards to make a sale and keep a customer happy.
![]() 02/01/2017 at 11:37 |
Whatever you get, you should think about getting a hardwired F and R dashcam setup :)
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Actually bought a Lukas LK7950. Its a dual camera set up.
Just was waiting for a chance to install it.
In this accidents case I had an off duty cop that saw it all and helped try to pull me out.
My next car will be getting it installed in. Kinda glad I didnt install it. It would have been wasted.
![]() 02/01/2017 at 19:17 |
You’re lucky it was seen by a cop. I usually have faith in LEO work, but not 100% faith in accident investigations.
I run a front and rear setup too. I have switched cars since I bought it, and it wasn’t too bad to swap out. Definitely peace of mind, and maybe the off chance of spotting a cool car or scenic drive.
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Yea the cop was SUPER COOL. He sat there and calmed me down, and held my hand to let me know it was going to be alright. He helped get me out of the car and just was super calm and collected about the whole thing.
When your in serious pain and trapped in a mangled car it doesn’t help. He just acted like it was regular day, that I met him at the grocery store or something. He’s coming by the hospital saturday to see how I’m doing.
I read abunch of reviews on different dash cams. I want to see how it is in car. I planned on dropping my headliner to run wiring. But I guess I’ll do it on the next car.
Still up in the air on what I want. When I’m not sleeping, I’m looking around on the internet for my next purchase. I may just give up and buy something that I wouldn’t normally buy. My insurance company gave me a reasonable quote on a Hellcat.
Noticed while building the Hellcat, Dodge calls a set of wheels the “Brass Monkey” SRT Wheels. Well played Dodge.
![]() 02/01/2017 at 21:45 |
Wow. I hope you are out of there soon. Hard to imagine what might have happened had you been in a smaller or weaker car.
I run a Blackvue system - not the cheapest, but it has been very reliable, and was recommended by a local high end shop. I had them install it, as I don’t like doing electrical work. A couple years later, no issues. I tried to run a cheaper cam off the cigarette lighter in my old/sunny Sunday car, and the car puked it up.
Good luck with the Hellcat.
![]() 02/01/2017 at 22:25 |
I just am debating on the Hellcat. New ones are nearly 75k with options. I looked at used and people are still want 55-60k. A 17k mile Charger Hellcat in a boring color for 55k.
I should just buy an old cop car Charger, fix it’s issues, and just mess with people.
![]() 02/01/2017 at 22:43 |
The old cop car might be a fun idea. Even if you do some custom work, you’ll save tens of thousands.
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I see alot of the 2011+ Charger cop cars going through the auction.
I just hate electrical work, and I know that every old cop car probably has a million and one electrical problems. From the install, to the rip out job they do.
If I find the right car, maybe a detective car that didn’t get such a hack job install I’ll do it. I’d love one with the A pillar light, a push bar, and the black wheels with the chrome center cap, especially in silver.
Silver is Ohio’s state patrol car color. They’re mainly on the 2015+ style now, but I still see a few older Chargers running around.
![]() 02/02/2017 at 09:14 |
I never thought of that, when the car is decommissioned, a very “good enough for government work” job will be done to remove the special parts. Find a lower mileage undercover car, maybe transplant some better grade interior pieces, and make it what you want.
I think the WA state patrol has a lot of Caprices. My town still has some Crown Vics in the fleet.
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Im just basing my opinion off the loose wiring I see in some old police cars.
The wiring was probably for the sirens, lights, radios, and whatever else.
Next time I see one Ill take a good look at it. To see if the wiring is separate from the factory harness or integrated. If its separate and can be somewhat easily uninstalled ill get one.
If it’s integrated Ill pass. God only knows how it was spliced if its integrated.
I talked to one of my dealer friends when he came by the hospital about a 392 Charger. He said when im back at work if i want one that he would get it for me for what he paid. Basically just wholesale pricing, plus buyer fees and inspection fees.
Cuz if I buy from the auction an inspection is the same as a warranty but only for a max of 30 days. Just gotta find the right 392 with some factory warranty left. Then pick up the extended warranty.
The charger is what I want. Just gotta find one. I gave up on the Hellcat idea. Mainly just because its more of a bought not built car. Id rather super charge or procharge a 392 and enjoy something I built than what Dodge just makes.
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I wonder if there’s some kind of modular wiring harness. Nothing I would want to deal with, but the logic is there.
In the long run, buying a civilian car and building it to your desire is probably the bet bet. Less issue than an old cop car, more individual and unique than a Hellcat. Hopefully the settlement will fund a lot of mods :)
![]() 02/02/2017 at 17:11 |
Prior 2 settlements could. This one is just going into savings. So i can retire by 50 and live my same lifestyle. I already own my house, own every truck I use at my business, my personal cars(Honda Fit, Yamaha R1, formerly q70).
I have very little debt and work like I owe the gov’t 10 million.
My only debt is really from my house remodel. I enjoy life, spend money on stuff I enjoy, and save money elsewhere.
![]() 02/02/2017 at 21:00 |
Must not be on a coast, at least near me. I don’t know anyone in my age demographic (if older than you, probably not by a lot) who owns a detached house without significant parental assistance.
Definitely good to live a little rather than hoard it all - you can’t take it with you. As long as income is more than outflow, a person is fine in my book.
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In Ohio and Im 30.
I bought the house cheap and spent some updating it to modern code. It was an older home in a decent neighborhood. Just needed some TLC.
Originally was 2dr 1 bath with an unfinished basement. Now 4 bdr, 3 bath with finished basement. Its 1400 ish sqft(not counting basement).
Only thing I hate its a corner house. So my lawn is huge compared to the neighbors.
![]() 02/02/2017 at 22:46 |
Ah that explains it. I’m not terribly older than you.
Average house in my zipcode is over 1MM now, and the average in my city is something around 800K. I’ll be renting or in a little condo as long as I’m here. Oh well. Should we all make it that far, I won’t be retiring here.
![]() 02/03/2017 at 09:13 |
Yea average house in my zipcode is 150-250k. Most are ranch style 1 level houses maybe with a basement.
The appraiser told me that I was the only house she’d seen in the area with a basement. I think the only unused space in my house is behind the walls.
This is a poor MS Paint based layout of my house. I just really took the unused upstairs space and made it into a nicer master bedroom/bathroom. Made the old bathroom smaller since it didn’t need a bathtub anymore.
Under the kitchen and living room is the main basement area. Under the master bathroom is the laundry area in the basement. The laundry room also has my furnace, water heater and main breaker box. Under the 2 bedrooms is 2 more bedrooms in the basement. On that left outside wall under the kitchen is where the steps lead down.
If its red it’s a door to something. Other than that, that’s how my house is laid out. The front and right side is my yard really. The left wall is just a concrete walkway to the garage behind the house. Behind the house and in between the garage is a black topped yard. Planning on building a small deck to hide most of the black top. Then the garage.
The house was originally built in the 60's, and aside from cosmetic work its was mainly the same 60's wiring in the walls. The contractor told me it was a big job to do it all, but he understood my plan for it, and executed it.
It was nearly a full gut on the inside. Other than the main floor upstairs just needed some boards replaced, everything else went out the door into a dumpster.
The MS paint image isn’t to scale. The bedrooms are decent sized. The dining room isn’t huge by any means. Just big enough for a table and 6 chairs. The kitchen is small but I’m a single guy, I don’t need a full sized chef’s kitchen.
The biggest thing was fixing some DIY’ers plumbing work that was done over the years. I did find a box of older coins in the wall thats now my master bath. Just an old tin box of random change from the 20's to the 60's. I took it to a coin store and the guy paid me over 1200 bucks for it all. Some was just going to be silver weight, others were valuable he said.
That 1200 bucks paid for some stuff in the house. Didn’t find any thing else cool other than some old newspaper sections. Did see bread was like 15 cents according to one paper’s grocery store.
![]() 02/03/2017 at 12:27 |
If you’re going to be there awhile, might as well make it how you like it. Putting money into a fancy kitchen would no doubt be throwing it into a lit fireplace. That’s something I’ve always believed can be for the next owners (I am single too, and am just not into all that).
The coin thing sounds pretty cool. When my great grandmother moved into assisted living at the age of 99, we cleaned out her place, and found a coffee can full of silver dollars, and a few jars of other silver coins hidden away in a storage pantry. My great grandfather had apparently hoarded these when silver coins were discontinued. This was when I was a student, and I was given the other jars of coins - it was a nice surprise. I don’t think there was much numismatic value, but silver has been so high for awhile that even common coins have value.
![]() 02/03/2017 at 14:11 |
Yea, I just made my kitchen have some cabinets and the normal appliances. I did add a garbage disposal.
I plan on living here until I see the neighborhood go to shit. I dont want to live in a bad area. I kinda like quiet side streets and neighbors who mostly stick to them selves. The only drawback is the house next to mine is a rental.
So no telling who could be there one year or the next. Last people that lived there were black people who blared loud ass rap 24 7. The owner kicked them out cuz half the neighbors complained to the city.
Its just an empty house now. I wouldnt mind it staying that way.
![]() 02/04/2017 at 18:27 |
Maybe you’ll get lucky and the area won’t go to shit. Some seem to survive it.
My mom lives next to a rental that changes tenants every few years. She’s been lucky and had no problems, which may be real luck as her town has the same drug problems that have swept small town America. I live in a 100 unit development, but things are expensive enough here that for someone to have a place, they will need to be employed and productive, so there are almost no issues - maybe a positive part of being in a trendy area.
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The rent on the place next door is 950. It’s a 3 bdr, 2.5 bath house.
I really try to keep to myself most of the time. Most of my neighbors are really quiet people, other than the guy behind me who has an older Vette that’s a funny car type dragster. He’ll start that thing up every now and then.
I figured almost 1k in rent a month was enough to keep the trash away, evidently not. I thought about just putting a big ass TRUMP flag on my roof to really annoy people, but I dont want my house to burn down.
![]() 02/04/2017 at 20:11 |
A house of that size in my area might average 2500-3K per month. That usually keeps out the riff raff, Section 8 won’t cover something like that. Heck, a 1 bedroom 600 sq ft (at most) unit in my complex probably rents at around $1500 - when one is even available, kind of an insane world here.
Political signs are bad no matter what side they support (as we lose no matter who is elected). Never had an iota of thought to put one on my vehicle or residence. Maybe just put up some confederate flags or play old school country music really loud :)